What's COOL!
How to create a COOL secret formula for sustainability?
Follow ∞ the path to discover new practices.
Explore ∞ the journey of molecular life cycles.
The Hyper-COOL chain of circulation—
In Tainan ▸▸▸ it's all about Tainan.
Curatorial Unit
CONCENTRIC PRODUCTION brings together a diverse team of talents in brand design, visual design, exhibition curation, spatial planning, brand image integration, and video production, and offers comprehensive and integrated professional services. With a human-centered approach, the company crafts holistic processes for clients, leveraging design aesthetics to foster strong collaborations and exchanges across various industries.
The "W GLASS PROJECT" emerges from the very essence of glass material. To discuss the paradox and do-existence of recycling and re-creating. W GLASS PROJECT is a platform seeking meaningful continuously between construction and deconstruction by working with designers, craftsman and professionals that share the same interests to co-create visions of sustainability.

Eason Chang is the founder of CONCENTRIC PRODUCTION and a creative artist. His work spans brand planning, exhibition curation, design strategy, and related integrated services. Breaking conventions through non-linear thinking, he makes use of diverse materials and reaches out to various artisans to convey visionary ideas through integral designs.

T.A. Wu is Director-CTO of Spring Pool Glass, the largest glass recycling company in Taiwan, which recovers over 100,000 tons of waste glass annually and transforms it into valuable material and circular products. His ultimate goal is to forge a unique industry for a green circular economy, "by converting limited resources into sustainable materials that can be continuously recycled." Wu was awarded the 2018 Taiwan Presidential Innovative Award and has been featured by the Discovery Channel for his innovative invention of green building material. He has a graduate degree from the University of Cambridge and also has been awarded as 2018 Eisenhower Innovation Fellowship. With a tremendously profound interest in circular economy, glass material science, and glass arts, T.A. also specializes in innovative research and development of glass material as well as optimal design of factories.
Cooperative Partners
Living Packets、工業技術研究智慧感測與系統科技中心、三香科技、小智研發、中良工業、元太科技、友良、太極風雅/井井咖啡、台電文創、石資中心、台灣龍盟複合材料股份有限公司、台糖生技、永大食品、加拾有限公司、它好好國際有限公司、成大昶閎科技股份有限公司、吉祥集團、向罕設計、好盒器、好說設計、好野戶外有限公司、好事交易所、同正興業有限公司、早起設計、花裡、承旻磚藝藝術團隊、物外、奇美醫療財團法人奇美醫院、玩美文創、波實業有限公司、美可特品牌企劃設計、美祺企業、郁傑科技、美商盛派克、恆隆行、茂茂峰林、信美創研、勇氣雜貨商行、夏田產品設計有限公司、班朋實業有限公司、隆順綠能科技股份有限公司、造浪者設計工作室、圈點有限公司、粒粒恩食品股份有限公司、國立臺北科技大學建築系陳長忻老師團隊、掌生榖粒、童顏有機、發品、普聯國際股份有限公司、華美光學、博藤海洋生技股份有限公司、誠佳科紡、楊世泰/戴翊庭、勤品創意整合、煌奇石業、匯良、遞嬗設計、綠冠農業有限公司、綠腳印國際股份有限公司、綠盒循環設計、澄茂企業、億薈塑膠、頡欣機械有限公司、熹晴形象設計、點睛設計、禮研究室、曦立方國際股份有限公司、鑫永銓股份有限公司(依筆劃排序)